History is a set of lies agreed upon. -Napoleon Bonaparte

Whitney Crain
2 min readJun 28, 2019

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning?

Drowning in a pool full of lies?

No — not a pool.

More like an ocean.

As I started to awaken, I began to realize everything I’ve ever known was fabricated. The people in my life have always been deceitful, although sometimes unconsciously. I started questioning every single fragment of my life. Who can I trust? What is real? Where do my OWN beliefs even stem from?

I don’t even know who I am.

I am slowly starting to strip away the layers tho.

I am slowly figuring it out.

I have spent my entire life doing what other people told me I needed to do.

I dressed modestly.

I talked like a lady. 🙄

I made good grades and went to college…well almost.

My whole life I was going through the motions.

I was making every single decision based off of what others would think of me.

I never questioned what people told me.

I never questioned what my parents told me.

I never questioned what my teachers told me.

I never questioned what the church told me.

I believed everything I was told no matter how absurd it sounded.

I went against my own intuition over and over again.

I trusted everyone but myself.

This left me broken hearted & completely disconnected from the world around me.

I had no sense of direction for my life.

I literally felt like I was drowning…

When I finally pulled my head above the water, I seen the loop that I had been stuck in.

Like everyone else I was getting up every morning to go to a job that I hated. I would come home, eat dinner, give the girls a bath, then go to bed.


Every. Single. Day.

I was miserable.

Just like everyone around me.

I’m still not where I want to be, but at least I know where I’m going.

I am finally following the map that I created for myself.

It all starts with you.

You have to open your mind.

You have to have the courage to question things.

You have to have the strength to accept things for what they are.

You have to be able to forgive the people you love, who unknowingly programmed your mind.

You have to learn how to form your own opinion about things. About everything.

Only then will you be able to live a life you truly love.

